发布日期:2025-01-03 17:13 点击次数:129
近期,“吸氧比喝咖啡还提神”的话题引发了网友的热议,记者在电商平台上搜索“吸氧”等关键词,页面就会跳出家用制氧机、便携式吸氧瓶等多种商品。不少商家甚至宣称这些补氧产品适合学生、上班族、老人等人群使用,有的销量甚至高达几十万单。The topic of "oxygen inhalation being more refreshing than drinking coffee" has ignited discussions online. However, experts strongly caution against indiscriminate oxygen supplementation.记者在社交网络平台上搜索“吸氧”“提神”等相关话题后,发现许多网友在分享自己使用制氧机或者氧气罐的体验。有网友表示,吸氧的确有提神的效果,但也有人表示自己是经人推荐或者跟风购买的,使用效果并不明显。记者随后登录多家电商平台发现,有多个品牌的便携式氧气瓶在售卖,价格从十几元到几十元不等。多数产品标称“氧气纯度在99%以上,适合老人、孕妇、学生、白领等人群使用”。Some internet users claim that oxygen inhalation can provide an energizing effect, but others mention that they purchased these products based on recommendations or trends and didn't notice significant benefits.Multiple brands of portable oxygen canisters available for purchase, with prices ranging from a few yuan to several tens of yuan. Most of these products claim to have oxygen purity levels of 99 percent or higher and are marketed as suitable for different groups, including the elderly, pregnant women, students, and office workers.除了便携式氧气瓶,有电商平台也在销售家用制氧机以及专门的“老人机”。价格从几百元到上万元不等,其中价格在3000元上下的制氧机卖得比较火爆。某平台医疗器械连锁店客服人员告诉记者,销量最好的产品价格在三千多元左右,是静音款的,带氧气浓度监测,孕妇或者正常人都能用,不会出现氧中毒。专家提醒不要盲目补氧便携式氧气瓶、家用制氧机等产品在社交媒体上快速传播,吸引了不少白领和备考一族跟风购买,然而像平台人员所宣称“孕妇和正常人都能用,不会出现氧中毒”的这些补氧产品,真的有这么好吗?记者在查阅相关报道后发现,有消费者因为过度吸氧,导致干咳不止甚至出现支气管水肿、糜烂等氧中毒症状,到医院检查后被确诊为肺型氧中毒。Excessive oxygen inhalation resulted in prolonged dry coughing and, in certain instances, symptoms of oxygen toxicity, such as bronchial edema and erosion. Subsequent medical examinations confirmed these cases as pulmonary oxygen toxicity.上海交通大学医学院附属胸科医院呼吸内科主任医师李锋表示,氧中毒首先可能会表现为眼睛的不舒服,比方出现视物的模糊或者出现眼睛疼痛。然后会出现脑部不舒服,比方出现恶心、呕吐甚至昏迷的情况。呼吸系统同样也会因为氧气吸入肺以后,导致肺水肿,可能会表现为咳嗽、胸闷、胸痛等情况。Dr Li Feng explained that oxygen toxicity can initially manifest as eye discomfort, such as blurred vision or eye pain. Subsequently, individuals may experience discomfort in the brain, including symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or even fainting. Additionally, the respiratory system can be affected, as oxygen inhalation may lead to pulmonary edema, resulting in symptoms such as coughing, chest tightness, and chest pain.普通人指脉氧饱和度在97%左右,高于93%的吸氧临界值,大多数情况下并不缺氧,如果盲目补氧,可能出现氧中毒的症状。对于商家宣传的孕妇需要补氧,更是需要谨慎。For the average person, their blood oxygen saturation level is around 97 percent, which is higher than the critical oxygen threshold of 93 percent. In most cases, they are not oxygen-deficient. If they indiscriminately supplement oxygen, it may lead to symptoms of oxygen toxicity. Regarding the claim that pregnant women need supplemental oxygen, it's crucial to exercise caution.李锋提醒,如果孕妇没有哮喘,没有其他疾病,不缺氧不建议吸氧。因为孕妇吸高浓度氧,反而会引起胎儿的视力问题。Li advises that if pregnant women do not have asthma or other medical conditions and are not experiencing oxygen deficiency, it is not recommended for them to use oxygen. This is because inhaling high-concentration oxygen may actually lead to vision problems for the fetus.记者采访时发现,不少商家宣传时,把老年人需要吸氧作为产品卖点。专家告诉记者,老年人是否需要吸氧不能一概而论,如果有慢性冠心病、慢阻肺等慢性缺氧的情况,可以在医生的指导下吸氧。It was observed that many businesses promote their products by emphasizing the oxygen needs of the elderly. Experts have advised that the necessity for oxygen therapy in older individuals cannot be generalized. If they have chronic conditions such as coronary heart disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) leading to chronic oxygen deficiency, oxygen therapy may be recommended under a doctor's guidance.编辑:田冉来源:中国青年报 央视财经